Mercurio, is designed by TESI Tecnologia & Sicurezza, to detect fever symptoms and manage any access system for instance turnstile, automatic doors, and any authorization devices like RFID reader, electronic key access system or QR-code readers.
The combination of three sensors is used to achieve a very precise measurement in any condition and ambient. To obtain this high precision, a video sensor detects the face position, distance and angle of the user, another infrared sensor capture the electromagnetic radiation coming from his skin, and a third sensor is used to compensate the ambient temperature and variation.
All this data is combined using mathematical models and artificial intelligence algorithm to obtain an estimation of the internal body temperature during the whole day with all possible environmental situations.
- Detect fever symptoms touchless.
- It does not transmit any radiation or energy to the user.
- It measures the temperature with an accuracy of +-0.2°C and a data resolution of 0.02°C
- The temperature threshold is configurable with a 0.1°C size steps.
- The measurement takes less than 1 second.
- A speaker help the user during the procedure and gives feedback about the reading.
- Privacy compliant: images and data are not stored.
- Can be configured easily from the touch display.
- It can be interfaced with existing systems like turnstiles, automatic doors, flow control, and alarm systems.
- It can work with various authentication devices: RFID readers, electronic key readers, etc..
- Can be portable with 10+h battery
Typical applications:
- Airports
- Metropolitan stations with turnstiles, or open access by using our flow control system (UPLA LTD)
- Hospitals or clinics
- Shopping center
- Bank offices
- Pharmacies
- Sports centers, stadium, exhibitions, museums
- Cinema
- Industrial plant access system
Gates control
Dotazioni opzionali
- Batteria per funzionamento da 4 alle 24 ore.
- Chiavi elettroniche per gestione del controllo accessi fino a 500 utenti
- Piedistallo per installazioni mobili.
- Controllo del singolo transito
- Personalizzazione per installazioni di design curato
- Console di gestione remota, in grado di verificare più varchi da un'unica postazione.
Requisiti di installazione
Il sistema di analisi viene installato in prossimità di un varco, in verticale o in orizzontale, con inquadratura regolabile grazie al suo supporto. Il luogo di installazione dev'essere ben illuminato, in alternativa vengono aggiunti dei fari di illuminazione.