The self area is dedicated to clients that use ATMs and other automatic machines. It is designed based on our customer requirements.
The system can be composed by automatic doors, interlocked doors, booth, interconnected emergency doors, faint detection systems, control unit to detect the permanence time inside the area, a different working mode based on the time, a touchscreen console to manage the system and many more functions.
In combination with active and passive sensors or a video detection system, speech synthesis can be installed to help users with vocal messages.
Is an automatic door with a panic system. The operating principle is based on the break-through system that is operated by simply pressing on the doors, creating an escape route.
The DRAGONFLY semi-fixed side doors are made of laminated glass with...
Minerva is tested according to standards UNI EN 1627:2011, UNI EN 1628:2016, UNI EN 1630:2016 with classification RC4 against forced entry, compliant with standard UNI EN 14351-1:2010.
Frame constructed from laminated steel profile sections, seam ...
Galaxia is the solution with the biggest sizes of TESI's interlocked doors.
Distinghuisble by his elegant and bright access thanks to his huge lateral glasses make this model unique.
Galaxia has a cylindrical wide shape and allows the transit of...
Dotazioni di base
- Logica di funzionamento
- Porta blindata classe RC4
- Pareti blindate modulari classe RC5 grado 3
- Serratura meccanica 13 punti di chiusura
- Blocco di sicurezza in chiusura con elettroserratura
- Chiavi di accesso codificate
- Segnalatori ottici
- Sensori di presenza
- Sensore malore
Dotazioni opzionali
- Porta blindata classe RC5
- Controllo accessi con lettori di tessere, lettore biometrico
- Comunicazioni vocali per utenti in transito
- Microtelecamera interna
- Consolle di comando
- Controllo del transito monopersona
- Scanner laser presenza/malore
- Tastiera con codice anticoercizione
- Finitura goffrata nelle tinte RAL